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Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet accompanying this shipment for safe use and handling of the individual components. 

1. Operator should always wear proper personal protective equipment. In case of skin contact, flush with water. For eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention.

2. Use only with adequate ventilation and respiratory protection.

3. Smoking must not be allowed during application. Open flame and/or the use of welding or electrical equipment in the vicinity of the application should also be prohibited. 

4. Do not store in temperatures above 120°F (48°C). Keep the kits dry. Do not store in direct sun, near hot water pipes, furnaces, chimneys or heat ducts. 

5. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not apply to materials or objects that children would touch. 

CHEMICAL SPILLS A-COMPONENT (Isocyanate): Provide adequate ventilation. Wear suitable personal protective clothing and equipment. 

Contain spill and collect using suitable absorbent material, such as sawdust. Shovel into a waste container adding 10% to 20% decontaminate solution (90% water, 7ammonia, and 3% liquid detergent). Leave uncovered for 24 hours prior to disposal. 

Dispose of as ordinary industrial waste in compliance with pertinent regulations. 


B-COMPONENT (Polyols): 

Provide adequate ventilation. Wear suitable protective clothing and equipment. 

Contain spill and collect using a suitable absorbent material such as sawdust. 

Dispose of as ordinary industrial waste in compliance with pertinent regulations. Wash areas containing residue with warm water and soap. 

TANK DISPOSAL DO NOT PUNCTURE OR INCINERATE TANKS. Drain any remaining chemical into a waste container. It is preferred that both chemicals are drained into a waste container, mixed to create a solid, then disposed of as ordinary industrial waste. If only one chemical remains, it must be absorbed (A-Component must also be neutralized) and disposed of. When the tanks are empty, they must be vented prior to disposal. To vent, turn the tanks upside down (valves down). Open the valves slowly, and let the pressure escape. Let the tanks vent for a minimum of 24 hours. Puncture the burst plug to prevent reuse. Chemical tanks are disposed of as ordinary industrial waste (sanitary landfill recommended) in compliance with pertinent regulations. 

For chemical/medical emergencies, 

Emergency Phone Number (ChemTel)


Within the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and

the US Virgin Islands: 1-800-255-3924

Australia: 1-300-954-583

Brazil: 0-800-591-6042

China: 400-120-0751

India: 000-800-100-4086

Mexico: 01-800-099-0731

All other International countries: 001-813-248-0585


WARNINGS: Individuals with chronic respiratory diseases, asthma, or bronchial disorders should not work with these materials, nor should those with allergic diseases. The user is responsible for verifying that this material meets local building codes and/or any restrictions. It is also the user’s responsibility to determine the fitness of this product for any intended application. When this product is to be used in interior construction or in any confined area, it should be covered with another material to provide a fire rating of at least 15 minutes. A covering of a minimum of 1/2 inch cement, plaster, or fire-rated gypsum wallboard or an equivalent fire barrier is advised. Do not use this urethane foam where it will come in contact with steam pipes, heat vents, or areas where the surface temperature might exceed 250°F (121°C). No flame cutting or hot work should be conducted nearby. Where urethane foam is continually exposed to sun or water, it is recommended that a protective coating be applied over the foam to retard possible deterioration. FOAM IT GREEN, INC. warrants that the goods sold hereunder conform to its standard applications. NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS, WHETHER AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER. NOTICE OF CLAIMS: Immediately upon receipt of this product, user should inspect it for any parts shortages or defects. Any claim for shortage of system components must be made with the distributor within 15 days after user learns of the facts upon which such claim is based, but in no event after the expiration date stamped on the carton. Otherwise, any claim is waived. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: FOAM IT GREEN, INC. NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES THE DISTRIBUTOR OR ANY OTHER PERSON TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PRODUCT. ANY LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, ALLEGED DAMAGE OR DEFECTIVE GOODS, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER SUCH DEFECTS ARE DISCOVERABLE OR LATENT, SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PARTICULAR GOODS WITH RESPECT TO WHICH LOSSES OR DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED, OR, AT THE ELECTION OF THE DISTRIBUTOR, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED GOODS. IN NO EVENT, INCLUDING IN THE CASE OF A CLAIM OF NEGLIGENCE, SHALL FOAM IT GREEN, INC. OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF THIS PRODUCT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.